The Footscray City Rowing Club was established in 1894. However, the sport of rowing was first introduced into the Footscray community in 1873 when the Footscray Rowing Club was established and continued until its demise in 1894. In those years the Footscray Rowing Club experienced many highs and lows, the highlight being the winning of the famous “Clarke Challenge Cup” in 1880, 1881 and 1882. By 1894 the Club had declined in membership, with finances and enthusiasm at an all-time low. During these years and in the early years of the twentieth century the sport was held in high regard within the community with large attendances at regattas and generous sponsorship of expensive trophies by local businesses and dignitaries. For the Footscray City Rowing Club to survive over 125 years it has required great leadership within the Club and support by the community. There have been years of great success and years of struggle, but we have always had the determination to succeed. Our gratitude goes to all those who have preceded us and endowed the Club with such a rich history
A special thank you to Kevin Bourke for compiling the below comprehensive history of the club.

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or click HERE to view and download a copy of Footscray and Footscray City Rowing Clubs 150-year history.